Dancing Dream, a 1 1/2 month old foal, suffered a sudden bout of fever with severe lameness in the left front and swelling of the joint. Clinically, the diagnosis of septic arthritis was made with a suspicion of rhodococcosis. Dancing was also suffering from a big diahrrea.
On the evening of July 15, hospitalized, the foal was at its worst, lying down and no longer responding to the various stimuli. The vets were very reserved about the survival prognosis and prepared us for the worst by saying there was little chance he would come out of it. It was then that we called Laila who worked on him that night, and the next day in the middle of the morning, to our surprise and that of the vets, dancing Dream had managed to get up on his own and seemed very fit, pushing open the boxing door and showing he wanted to go out with a very keen eye. It’s a real miracle!
His joints seems ok, his lungs too, no more diahrree and the white blood cells are down to normal. Our little foal was able to return to his meadow!
A big thank you for your help Laila!
